Do It Now!

Shaping Our Future Together . . .

Poh Kim Siong DTM
Candidate for Lieutenant Governor Marketing 2004-2005

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Materials for New Club



Proposed Budget for Formation of Toastmasters Club in Community Club (S'pore)
Description Cost (US) Cost (SG) Remarks
(A) Initial Cost
Charter fees (payable to Toastmasters Intl) $95.00 $166.27 based on exchange
Membership fee (20@US$16.00) $320.00 $560.06 rate of 
Annual Subscripton (20@US$18.00) $360.00 $630.07 US$1 to S$1.7502
S U B   T O T A L : $775 $1,356.41
(B) Materials Required for Effective Meetings
Portable Wood Lectern $55.00 $96.26
Ballot & Brief Evaluations Sheets $10.95 $19.17
Club Officer Pins Set $50.00 $87.51
Wooden Gavel $9.95 $17.42
Club Banner $75.00 $131.27
Timing Device & Stop watch $150
Effective Speech Evaluation $2.25 $3.94
Outstanding Toastmaster Guideline (x2) $0.50 $0.88
C&L Library Set $16.50 $28.88
Advanced C&L Library Set $35.00 $61.26
The Better Speaker Series Set $29.95 $52.42
The Successful Club Series Set $39.95 $69.92
Speech Contest Rules $1.25 $2.19
Speech Contest Manual $1.25 $2.19
Best Speaker Ribbons $12.00 $21.00
Best Table Topics Speaker Ribbons $12.00 $21.00
Best Evaluator Ribbons $12.00 $21.00
Dictionaries   $20.00
Contingencies $200
S U B   T O T A L : $986.29
(C) Marketing & Promotional Materials
2 x External Banners to promote events $300
Printing of flyers to neighbourhood HDB flats $300
S U B   T O T A L : $600.00
T  O  T  A  L   (initial startup costs) $2,950
(D) Fees Collection for Membership
Registration Fee (S$50 x 20) $1,000.00
Annual Subscription (S$120 x 20) $2,400.00
T  O  T  A  L  (Collection from membership) $3,400
Surplus (to be used for refreshments for meetings $450.00

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