My Services:

Are you aware that most women only wear 20% of the clothes they buy?

If you own 100 items and you paid S$50 for each, you would have spent S$5000 on your wardrobe.

If you only wear 20% of the 100 items you own, it means you have WASTED S$4000 on your wardrobe, on clothes you DON'T wear.
If you know what clothes suit you, you will
- Not waste $$$
- Shop with more confidence
- Benefit from unsolicited compliments and invite exciting opportunities to you
Let me show you how to buy the RIGHT clothes!
1. Shopping for Client
S$80 per hour for a maximum of 2 hours. Mandatory to do Colour Analysis & Personal Style and Portfolio if you want me to go shopping with you.
2. Wardrobe Coordination and Organisation
 Is there a lot of unused clothing in your closet that you are keeping and not wearing? Let me help you to organise your clothes.
From S$120 for 90 minutes. Mandatory to do Colour Analysis & Personal Style and Portfolio if you want me to help you organise your wardrobe.

by Angela Lee GK
Style, Image & Colour Consultant
(certified by the Australian Image Co.)

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