Value of Speech Qualifications


Are these speech qualifications recognized?  The simple answer is that it depends on whether a particular education service provider is aware of the value of these qualifications.  While the examination boards have offered these speech examinations for more than 100 years, very few people are acquainted with this system of speech qualifications.


To organizations involved in speech education, the qualifications represent a set of recognizable achievement, as they already are in music circles.  As with music diplomas, the recognition system works as follows:


(a) An associate diploma (whether ALCM or ATCL) represents a high level of performance skill in the subject for which the candidate has been examined.  Traditionally this is not a teaching qualification, though examination boards nowadays cater to demand by providing an associate teaching diploma.
(b)  A licentiate diploma (e.g., LTCL, LGSM, LLCM) is an indication of higher content knowledge and performance competence than that of the associate diploma.  In practical terms, it usually means that the candidate is good enough to teach.
(c) A fellowship diploma (i.e., FLCM, FTCL) represents the highest possible level of performance skills, and generally only those who have done very well at licentiate level would consider attempting.


The significance of the various diplomas set up above will give you a broad idea of the possible scope available in speech training.  In general, all diplomas are considered as being at parity, e.g., an ALCM is equivalent to an ATCL; although specific schools may place a higher premium on a particular examining board qualifications.  What adds to the complexity is that not all examination boards issue qualifications at comparable levels, e.g., Guildhall does not have associate diplomas, and a Grade 8 may proceed directly to the LGSM.  Some examination boards do have more stringent requirements, e.g., an extended essay in addition to oral exam plus written paper.


For more details and recommendations, please call us direct and we will advise you on a suitable programme for you.


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