All below information subject to change.
Please email if
you have difficulty contacting the club.
Any changes to the club meeting days and
times, please submit to Club Central online.
All above information subject to
change. Please email
if you have difficulty contacting the club.
Any changes to the club meeting days and times, please submit to
Club Central online.
Confidentiality Notice All personal contact details of all officers contained in the
above clubs list is confidential and is intended for the sole
use of Toastmasters business and related activities only. The
personal information supplied by each of the officers and
should be treated as confidential by all members. The
information contained shall not be utilized in any shape or form
for activities which do not further the mission of Toastmasters
International or for purposes of personal profit and/or gain.
All persons indentified have not given their express
and/or implied consent for their particulars to be used other
than for the purposes identified and as stated above.