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Program Quality Director's Message
November 2015

Achieve more before end 2015!


Dear Fellow Toastmasters,


A bustling October has swung into a quiet November. How was your Toastmasters journey in the past four months? Have you been into lots of actions and may not be noticing them? I believe some of you may have attended a workshop or two or, may have attended COT1, as a Club Officer. You may also have attended the Semi Annual Conference 2015 – “Capital of Ideas” or, may have adopted some ideas on how to develop your speeches and even have known how to add humour into your speeches to make them more alive. You may be even there at the District Humorous Speech and Evaluation contests to witness how contestants worked their words and walked the stage, and finally, for the two of them, clinch the championships. Have you been inspired by them to compete in the next contest? If you do, then, it is time to start preparing for the next round of speech contests.


Before November turn to a seemingly short December and then to the end of the year, have you decided what you want to achieve? What’s on your Toastmasters  menu? Could it be a new speech, completing your competent communicator (CC) projects or help in your club’s Christmas celebration? Those are just some of the things we can look forward to before bidding 2015 goodbye. (Remember, if you complete your CC before 31st December 2015, you will be awarded an original pin from TI.)


 If you have finished doing the speeches of your CC manual, I recommend you work on your Advance projects to find out how enjoyable and helpful these projects can be for your personal development and/or advancement in your career.


Before the year comes to a close, achieve your competent communicator title or explore a new advance manual. Invite a friend to join your club or most importantly mentor a member.


Tell me your new venture before we bid goodbye to 2015.

Patricia Lum DTM
Program Quality Director




时光荏苒如白驹过隙,繁忙的十月快速地被宁静的十一月取代了。四个月来,你是如何的渡过呢?蓦然回首,你是否惊叹自己竟然完成了这么多项活动呢?想必你已经参加了执委培训( 一)及一两个工作坊。你也可能参与创意荟萃”2015年年中大会、 你也可能运用了如何撰写演讲稿、使用幽默手法,添增演讲内容的趣味性。你也出席了区域幽默暨评论比赛,见证了参赛者在台上使用精湛的语言摘下冠军皇冠。你是否也蠢蠢欲动,也想参加下一轮的比赛呢?现在是你开始准备的时候了。


十二月会过得特别匆忙,刹那间一年就结束了。你已经决定了今年要达到的成绩了吗? 在讲演活动上,你的清单又是什么?以下这些是我们在岁末时可以达到的成绩: 演讲技巧上的突破、成为胜任讲员、组织圣诞节庆祝活动等等。(若你能在十二月三十日前达成胜任讲员, 你将获得由国际讲演会颁发的勋章。)


若你已经成为胜任讲员,你可以继续挑战高级作业。 你在享受学习的乐趣的同时, 也会因为能运用新的演讲技巧,而在工作上获得提升。在今年结束前,你可能成为胜任讲员、探讨新的一本高级作业、邀请一位朋友加入讲演会、或者更重要的是辅导一位会员,帮助他达到成功。




林慧明 卓越讲员

Program Quality Awards

  1. PQD 1st Challenge, 1 July – 31 December 2015

  2. PQD Year Challenge, 1 July – 31 May 2016


1 July 2015


Taking Your Next Step


Fellow Toastmasters,


Congratulations! If you are reading this message, it means you are ready and reaching for another year of excellence.


Last term, the District achieved Select Distinguished status. Are you one of those who contributed to its success? If you are, you deserve a pat on the back. It must have been an ecstatic, exciting and educational journey for you.


This term, look forward to achieve higher aspirations. If you have achieved your Competent Communicator, go for your Advance Communicator, Bronze, Silver or Gold. Or, perhaps, challenge yourself to attain a Triple Crown.


Is it difficult? Yes it is, but it’s not impossible. Last term, we had 60 members who achieved 3 to 6 educational awards.


On the other hand, if you have yet to start on your journey, then the best time to move towards your journey is to take your next step forward.


Start your first project now!


Reaching for the peak starts with that next step. For myself, after 15 years, I am taking my next step by accepting leadership in the district as a Program Quality Director and I am so excited to work with you to achieve the next seemingly impossible goal.


Let’s hold hands and support each other as we take our next step towards the next highlight in our Toastmaster’s journey of excellence.


Best regards,

Patricia Lum DTM
Program Quality Director











接下来的一年,我们期待有更高的成就。如果你已经是胜任讲员了,那就向高级讲员迈进吧! 你也可以通过铜级,挑战银级,金级的门坎。要挑战《三连冠》也不是不可能的。
你认为达成这个目标会是遥不可及的吗? 虽然不容易达到,但并不是不可能做的。上一届我们就有60名会友取得了"三连冠" 甚至更卓越的成绩。

如若你还没有开始做作业, 现在是最好的时刻了。开始行动吧!


林慧明 卓越讲员





Patricia Lum DTM
Program Quality Director's

January 2015
November 2015

August 2015
July 2015

Educational Program

Education Tracks

Communication Program

Leadership Program

Mandarin version
Contributed by 新加坡管理学院讲演会

Member Educational Achievements

* Our heartfelt thanks to District 4
for sharing their website contents.