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District Director's Message
Dear Fellow Toastmasters, 1. Changing of club leadership. Many clubs have conducted Installation Ceremonies for new club officers, taking stock of the past, and preparing for the new term. 2. Club officers training conducted by all Divisions. 3. Leaders sharing their visions and goals at club, area, division and district level. How about you? As a club member, do you have the vision to achieve your goal for the new term 1 July 2015 to 30 June 2016? What are the things you will accomplish to improve yourself in order to have “better thinking, better listening, better speaking” abilities for yourself?
We have many exciting recognition program for each of you in
your educational achievement. Achieve it!
Dear Club EXCO members,
Club leaders play an important role to help create the learning
environment conducive for our members; it is achievable if we
“make members matter”. If you have not attended the Club
Officers Training 1, there is another opportunity for you to
attend the District Make-Up COT1 on 29 August. More details are
in our district website (Events):
Recruiting members will add more value to your club. Consider
organising a Speechcraft. Not only will it attract more new
members, but it will also provide the opportunity for your
existing members to have a platform to hone their leadership
skills. Club Growth Director has created an incentive for your
recruitment drive. Please refer to:
We have also posted Speech Contests material for our your use. Please check it out at: http://www.district80.org/event_speech_contest_material.htm Also, please remember to start collecting membership due in August.
Dear Club Presidents,
About Proxy Vote at the International Convention
Dear Area Directors, Please prepare the Area Visit Report as soon as you visit each club under your areas. Know what help they need to ensure that the clubs remain in good standing and successful. Do not hesitate to contact your Division Director or Club Growth Director for advice and assistance.
Dear Division Directors,
District Incentive: 1. Individual - a. Achieve CC and CL before 31/12/15 to receive TI branded original pins. b. Achieve your education awards and get rewarded with the beautiful uniquely design district 80 3D starfish pins by 31/5/16. c. Received 1 full set of Advanced Manuals to the new club sponsors or mentors before 30/9/15.
Bring at least 2 non-Toastmasters (>18 years old) to
attend Toastmasters Awareness Month Workshop on 25/9 and
received limited edition district 80 T-shirt. 2. Club – a. Receive 1 set of club ribbon pack (25 ribbons) if you achieve 5 – 8 DCP goals by 31/12/15 b. Receive 2 set of club ribbon pack (50 ribbons) if you achieve 9-10 DCP goals by 31/12/15. c. Get rewarded 1 set of Advanced Manuals if you receive Smedley Award between Aug-Sep. d. Additional $30 (cap at $150) will be rewarded for each 5 more members recruited on top of Smedley Award. (Reimbursed through Division). e. Organise speechcraft and win Smedley Award will receive $30 (Reimbursed through Division). f. Be the Sponsoring Club for New Club before 30/9/15, not only the club receive the "Founder" ribbon from TIWHQ, you will also receive $100 cash incentive! (Reimbursed through Division).
Submit a video contest on “What is Toastmasters” by 15
September 2015 to win a prize and cash incentive (Reimbursed
through Division). 3. Area – a. Get rewarded with 100% club visit report submitted by 31/10 b. Get $80 credit if your area has the most non-Toastmasters attending the Toastmasters Awareness Month (TAM) Workshop. (Reimbursed through Division). c. Get $150 credit for chartering the new club before 30/9. (Reimbursed through Division).
a. With 100% clubs with at least 4 club officers attending 1st COT before 31/7/15, receive credit $50 to your division fund. b. Charter new club and receive $150 credit to your division fund. c. Your new clubs will receive new club banner and 2 sets of club ribbon pack. d. Be rewarded if all your clubs pay dues before 31/9.
Get $100 credit if your division has the most
non-Toastmasters attending the TAM Workshop
Tay Yiang Ping,
DTM 亲爱的会友们:大家好! 上任至今,只有短短的一个月,可是,我们已经开展了许多项活动,例如: 1.分会领导层的更替——许多分会已经为新执委举行了交接与就职典礼,检讨过去,展望未来,并为将来的会务,准备就绪。 2.各个区际都为已经分会执委提供培训。
3.领导人都已经跟分会、分区、区际和区域执委们,分享他们的愿景和目标。 我们为大家准备了许多激励人心的表彰方案,提供教育和学习,达到相关目标。请点击: http://www.district80.org/pqd.htm 亲爱的分会执委: 国际讲演会创办人斯梅德利博士说过:“我们的会员之所以会留在会内,就因为他们彼此喜欢在一起学习。” 分会领导人在协助创造有利的学习环境方面,扮演着重要的角色,如果大家坚守“会员为尊”的信念,各项目标必定可以达成。假设您还没有参加“执委培训(一)”,还有下一个机会,欢迎参加定于8月29日举行的“区域执委培训(一)补课”。欲知详情,请点击区域网站(节目):http://www.district80.org/events.htm 重点是:首先,执委们必须定期开会,设定目标,然后通过集体协作,齐心协力在任期届满之前,成功达到相关目标。有关管理分会的资料,请参阅:http://www.district80.org/cm.htm 招募新会友入会,将给贵会增值。您可考虑主办口才训练班,吸收更多新会员,同时给现有的会友提供机会和平台,强化领导才能。分会增员总监已经出台了一项奖励计划,鼓励贵会开展招募新会员的活动。请点击以下网站:http://www.district80.org/cgd.htm 我们也在网上发布演讲比赛的资料,供您使用。请参阅:http://www.district80.org/event_speech_contest_material.htm 此外,请记得在8月份向会友们收取会费。 亲爱的会长: 您身为分会的总裁,必须具备个人愿景,设定目标,为贵会争取最佳成绩。如果贵会在上一届达到卓越分会的目标,本届何不把目标定得更崇高,争取成为特选卓越分会?假设上一届贵会错过成为卓越分会的目标,本届就应该努力朝着这个目标前进。请现在就拟订计划,越早越好,贵会肯定获益匪浅。你,一定行! 委任代理人在国际大会上投票 截至今天,208个分会当中,只有81个分会 (39%) 的会长或秘书,已经在www.toastmasters.org 的分会中心,通过上网的方式指派其代理人,投票选出国际讲演组织的各个职位。如果您在登录时碰到困难,或者在指派代理人的问题上有任何疑问,请您通知我们。 亲爱的分区总监: 截至今天,相信您已经跟属下的分会,建立良好的关系。本届的分会经过重新整编之后,每个分区只有4个分会,因此,分区总监能够给属下分会提供更好的服务。弱会在本届将受到更好的照顾,我们将协助弱会取得更大的成就,确保我们不会丧失任何分会,我们也会尽快改造和重建弱会。 您访问了属下分会之后,请尽快填写《分区访会报告》,好让我们知道各个分会需要什么样的协助,确保有关分会保持良好的声誉和取得成功。您如果需要协助,请马上联系区际总监或市场总监,欢迎询问。 亲爱的区际总监: 感谢您主办分会执委培训一,本届讲演会由上到下的全年工作时间表,已经正式启动。除了L区有6个分区之外,其他区际属下只有5个分区 (20个或更少的分会) ,因此,请大家创立新分会来扩大本区域。我们的目标是每个区际至少要创立2个分会,并且支持弱会,使贵区成为会长级卓越区。 本届的区域资深领袖将想方设法推出更多奖励制度,鼓舞和激励个别会员、分会、分区和区际,再创高峰! 欲知详情,请点击以下网站:
a.凡是在2015年12月31日之前,完成胜任讲员(CC)和胜任领袖(CL)作业者,将获颁国际讲演会品牌原版徽章。 b.凡是在2016年5月31日之前,完成教育体系作业,便可获颁设计漂亮独特的80区域三维海星徽章。
c.凡是在2015年9月30日之前,担任新分会发起人或导师,将可获赠全套高级作业手册。 2.分会方面—— a.贵会如果在2015年12月31之前,完成卓越分会计划 (DCP) 当中5至8个目标,将可获赠一套分会彩带(共25条)。 b. 贵会如果在2015年12月31之前,完成卓越分会计划 (DCP) 当中9至10个目标,将可获赠两套分会彩带(共50条)。 c.如果您在今年8月和9月之间荣获斯梅德利奖,将可获赠一套高级作业手册。 d.贵会除了荣获斯梅德利奖之外,每招募多5位新会员,便可获赠$30 (最高奖金为$150)。(通过区际偿付) e.举办口才训练班,并且荣获斯梅德利奖的分会,将可获赠$30。(通过区际偿付) f.贵会在2015年9月30日之前成为新分会的赞助,将可获赠$100。(通过区际偿付) g. 在2015年9月15日之前,参加“讲演会是什么组织”视频拍摄竞赛,就有机会赢得奖品和现金。(通过区际偿付) 3.分区方面—— a.在2015年10月31日之前,提呈100% 访会报告者,将可得奖。 b. 贵分区带领出席“讲演会宣传月工作坊”的非讲演会会员人数,如果名列第一,将有$80进账。(通过区际偿付) c.凡是在2015年9月30日之前创立新分会的分区,将有$150进账。(通过区际偿付) 4.区际方面—— a.凡是在2015年7月31日之前,属下全部的分会至少有4位执委出席执委培训(一)活动的区际,您的区际基金账户将有$50进账。 b. 创立新的分会,您的区际基金账户将有$150进账。 c.您的新分会将收到一面新会旗,以及两套分会彩带。 d.如果属下所有分会,在2015年9月31日之前缴清会费,将可得奖。 e. 贵区带领出席“讲演会宣传月工作坊”的非讲演会会员人数,如果名列第一,将有$100进账。 顺祝:安康!
District Mission We build new clubs and support all clubs in achieving excellence. |
![]() Tay Yiang Ping, DTM District Director's Messages December 2015 November 2015 2nd DLT Opening (PPT) October 2015 September 2015 August 2015 July 201