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Dear Fellow Toastmasters,
Happy 91th Anniversary to
Toastmasters International!
Everyone wants to feel himself an integral part
of something active, vital, worthwhile.
- by our founder, Dr. Ralph C. Smedley. Congratulations to Club Growth Director (CGD) Tay Tiam Teang, DTM and his team for having achieved 94.8% membership payment on 10 October 2015. This means 199 out of 210 Clubs have achieved 1 DCP Goal No. 10. To date, we are ranked No. 6 in the world and No.1 in Region 14 for Members payment in October due date. We recognize the importance of having club dues paid so that members can continue to benefit from the Toastmasters program. We shall continue to follow up with the members who missed their payments and encourage them to renew their membership and continue with this learning journey with us.
I thank clubs for recruiting new members: 30
Clubs (14.3%%) have recruited 5 new members and above. We are
targeting a 10% increase in membership. Let’s "Make Members
Matter" by providing good guidance and support to these new
members and help retain the existing members too.
We target a 10% net growth of new clubs,
with each division forming at
least 2 new clubs to expand the Toastmasters benefits to more
people and fulfil our District Mission. To date, we are
ranked No. 12 in the world and No. 1 in Region 14 for paid clubs.
Thanks to the hard work and effort of CGD and Division councils
for making it happen. Let us ensure all new club officers
receive good training to support and keep the longevity of these
new clubs! 3. Educational Achievements Congratulations to Program Quality Director (PQD) Patricia Lum, DTM and her team for ensuring that our members achieve excellence in education and training. We had 100% District Officers been trained, with better results for at least 4 Club Officers were being trained--breaking the record of achieving 93.8% at 1st COT comparing to last term. We have also more educational awards for members, with 12 DTMs comparing to 9 DTMs same period last term. District Subsidised Education Workshops supported by PQD provided affordable fees for more members to attend and help fulfill their personal goals, and increase membership retention.
I thank all clubs for providing the positive and
learning experience and the opportunities for members to fulfil
their educational goals.
I am pleased to note that 199 (94.8%)
clubs are with at least 1 DCP point. With the vision and goals
setting by both PQD and CGD together with all Division
Directors, I am sure that we will meet more than 75% achieving
Distinguished Clubs come term end. 5. Distinguished Area Program (DAP)
This term we have 54 Area Directors, 11 more than
last term. I am encouraged by their energetic and willingness to
learn. Many of them are actively involved with their clubs'
meetings and activities and are well connected with their clubs
too. 6. Townhall Meeting with Division Directors and District Trio We had conducted three meetings in the months of July, August and September. There is none scheduled for October because it is a very busy month for all.
I believe it is an effective way to connect with
Division Directors-- sharing our goals and challenges together.
Occasionally, PRM / FM / AM joined us for special purposes, such
as: promoting PR events, issuing cheques, answering questions on
claims, distributing District Directory, etc.
For the first time, our District Champion, Manoj
Vasudevan, member of Toastmasters Club of Singapore and Marine
Parade Toastmasters Club, won 3rd place in World
Championship of Public Speaking 2015! Every Toastmasters of
District 80 are all proud of his achievement.
8. Toastmasters International Singapore Ltd
9.1. Semi-Annual Conference 2015 But, with the energetic and passionate young organizing team, we will finally make the stage at the Lee Kong Chian Lecture Theatre, NTU. The theme is: “Capital of Ideas”. Yes, we must learn to go wild with more creative ideas and open our minds in order to be better communicators and leaders!
9.2. Annual Conference 2016 Due to some unforeseen circumstances, Carl Wong is replacing Daniel Chu as the Organising Chair. Although the development renders the duration to be the shortest in terms of preparation for the organizing team, nevertheless, with the experience of PQD who will be at the forefront of the preparations, we will deliver another great event for our District Toastmasters! 10. District Recognition Awards
Limited Edition District Pins, “Starfish, Make
Members Matter” Pins have been specially made to recognize our
members' achievement in their educational accomplishments:
serving new clubs as club sponsors and club mentors; rebuilding
weak clubs as club coaches; important task as charter club
officers; and all other special appointment holders and members
who serve at District level. 11. Youth Leadership Program
We have appointed Ong Lye Sum, a member of ITE
Toastmasters Club, as Youth Leadership Program Chair, he is also
the Toastmaster Councilor supporting ITE Gavel Club. My heartfelt thanks to beloved District Public Relations Manager Annabelle Fabia-de Arroz, DTM for leading awesome initiatives during the Toastmasters Awareness Month in September; District Administration Manager Yap Boon Liang for his matriculate production of our 160 pages District Directory and our super conscious and careful Finance Manager Azizah Sapari, DTM for helping District Budget Plan preparation, thank you for the hard work and commitment to the course! I would also like to acknowledge and thank District Parliamentarian Michael Wee, DTM, Credential Chair Suanny Gouw and Credential Advisor Kong Pak Fee, DTM. Sincerely thanks to Past International Directors, Augustine Lee DTM and Poh Kim Siong, DTM, Past District Governors, Michael Rodrigues, DTM, Edward Ma DTM and Pradeep Kumar, DTM for making the time when guidance were needed.
Let’s continue to Make Members Matter, together we learn, grow and achieve!
District 80, 2015-2016 Recognition Awards
Distinguished Club status will only be available after the end of the term, 30 June 2016. Hall of Fame 2016 – District Semi-Annual Conference 2016 of the new term
SAC 2015 – District Semi-Annual Conference, 24-25 Oct 2015, Gala
Dinner |
District Mission We build new clubs and support all clubs in achieving excellence. |
![]() Tay Yiang Ping, DTM District Director's Messages December 2015 November 2015 2nd DLT Opening (PPT) October 2015 September 2015 August 2015 July 201 |