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District Director's Message Dear Fellow Toastmasters, First of all, I wish to share with you my experience at the Toastmasters International Convention held at Caesars Palace, Las Vegas, Nevada from 10-15 August 2015, which I attended together with Director Patrick Oei DTM, PQD Patricia Lum DTM, CGD Tay Tiam Teang DTM, Immediate Past District Governor Chew Ban Seng DTM, Division S Director Vicky Soo, Past Division Governor Krishna Raj and Marshall Cooper.
Chronology of Events At the District Directors session, Past International President Ted Corcoran stressed the importance of listening and connecting with members and to never forget to recognise members' and clubs' achievements. Region 14 Advisor, Thannimalai Letchumanan conducted the breakout session with the “Heads or Tails” game, where we learned to work with team members to strive for win-win results. We made decisions and implemented the best solution by simply using “The Standard Agenda” – analyse the problem, establish the criteria for the solution, rank the criteria, generate solutions, evaluate solutions, select and implement the best solution. At the Board of Directors' Meeting, it was reported that our organization, the Toastmasters International, has grown its membership by 57 percent over the past 10 years. The organization has posted an increase in membership every year since 1994. It now has a presence in 135 countries with more than 332,000 members in 15,400 clubs. At the Opening Ceremony, I was proud to be the bearer of Singapore’s flag representing District 80. Meanwhile, at the Hall of Fame, all of us received the Select Distinguished District award that marked another milestone for District 80 led by IPDG Chew Ban Seng.
Golden Gavel Recipient At the Annual Election, our district representatives carried the proxy of 108 out of 208 clubs (60 %). Thank you to our clubs for the online submissions and gave us the trust of representing them at the election. The incoming new set of leaders delivered their 2-minute speeches on how they could contribute to the success of the organisation in future, which included their next 5-year plans too.
Exciting Highlights Manoj Vasudevan’s achievement is proof that nothing is impossible. “We Can Fix It" was his contest speech at the finals. He was interviewed by 93.8 LIVE on 28 August 2015 and he will soon be featured on our local newspaper too. The convention closed with the President’s Dinner and Dance. Those who attended had great fun with music, lights and dance. We, the District Trio, had a great time with the discussions, sharing and networking. But, most important of all, we developed closer bonding at the Toastmasters International Convention 2015. I look forward to celebrating our District 80 success for term 2015-2016 with more District 80 Toastmasters at the next Toastmasters International Convention in Marriott Marquis Washington, D.C. USA, August 17-20, 2016! With warm regards
Tay Yiang Ping,
DTM 亲爱的会友: 首先,让我跟大家分享这次美国之旅的精彩体验。本届的国际讲演组织世界大会,于2015年8月10日至15日,在美国内华达州拉斯维加斯市凯撒皇宫大酒店,盛大举行。 大会正式开幕的日期是2015年8月12日至15日,之前,即8月10日和11日,率先举行独具特色的区域领袖培训营,我和项目素质总监林慧明和分会增长总监郑添登,都参与了培训活动。. 其他来自新加坡的与会者,包括国际董事黄千成卓越讲员、前任区域总监周万成卓越讲员、S区总监苏 VICKY、前区域总监克里斯那(Krishna Raj)和马歇尔( Marshall Cooper)。 在为期两天的区域领袖培训大会上,前任董事长莫哈默(Mohammed Murad)、总裁丹尼尔(Daniel Rex),以及其他培训师都一再强调,本组织的宗旨就是要协助讲员们,成为更加杰出的讲演人才,他们分别传达的信息,一再加强我的信念:绝对信任讲演会的支援体系,以及贯彻我们的口号——“以会员为尊”! 我们不能单靠区域负责人的努力,唯有会员们对讲演会感到十分满意,属下的分会和整个区域才会取得成功。我们也必须时时刻刻提醒自己,就是以下这四大核心价值观,促使我们这个非牟利组织取得今天的成就:为人正直、力求卓越、服务会员和尊重他人。 活动顺序 区域总监的会议上,前任国际董事长特德(Ted Corcoran)强调,仔细聆听和联系会友的工作,至关重要;绝对不可以忘记表扬会友和分会所取得的成就。 第14地区顾问丹尼马莱 (Thannimalai Letchumanan) 在分组讨论会上,通过一起玩“正面还是反面”的 游戏,学习如何跟团队成员携手合作,取得双赢的绩效。 我们也通过采用“标准议程”,对有关事项作出决定和落实最佳解决方案——程序包括分析问题所在、确定寻找解决方案的准则、为相关准则编排顺序、想出解决方案、评估解决方案、遴选解决方案,以及落实最佳的解决方案。 根据董事会议报告,过去10年里,国际讲员组织的会员人数,已经增加了75%。 从1994年起,国际讲演组织的会员数目,年年都在增长,到目前为止,全世界共有15,400个讲演会,遍及135个国家,会员人数超过33万2千人。 在今年的开幕典礼上,我代表80区域高举新加坡的国旗步入会场,感到非常荣幸,内心充满自豪感。 另一方面,我们在国际大会的“名人堂”领取了特选卓越区域大奖,这标志着80区域在前任总监周万成卓越讲员的英明领导下,到达一个新的里程碑。 在2015大会上,2006年诺贝尔奖得主莫哈玛德·尤努斯(Muhammad Yunus)教授,荣获惊堂槌金奖,该教授在1983年成立了格莱珉银行 (Grameen Bank) 专门为孟加拉境内最贫穷的人民提供微型贷款。32年之后,教授和他的银行因为消灭贫穷有功而荣获诺贝尔和平奖。 到目前为止,格莱珉银行已经给全世界超过260万人提供贷款。尤努斯教授在总结时说道:“人们只能在博物馆看到贫穷境况”。 在常年大会上,本区域代表取得208个分会当中,总共108个分会的代理人票,占60%强。谢谢各分会这么信任我们,在网上呈交代理人票,让我们代为投票。 这批新任领导人先后在大会上发表2分钟的演讲,内容关于领袖们将来会如何作出奉献,让讲演会取得成功,其中包括领导人未来5年的大计。 振奋人心的亮点
Vasudevan),史无前例地打进公众演讲世界锦标赛的大决赛,并勇夺季军。这项锦标赛是世界上规模最大的演讲比赛,吸引了来自大约100个国家,总共约3万名参赛者,经过长达6个月的比赛和许多轮的淘汰之后,曼诺和其他9位参赛者杀进大决赛。 曼诺的成就,证明了世上没有什么事情是我们做不到的,他在大决赛的讲题是“我们可以把问题解决掉”。2015年8月28日,曼诺接受93.8 Live 电台主播的访谈,再过不久,本地报章记者也将刊登他的访问记录。 大会在董事长晚宴和舞会中亮丽落幕,与会者陶醉在美妙音乐、璀璨灯光、曼妙舞蹈和一片欢乐声中。 慧明,添登和我,三个人也都在讨论会、分享会和交流会上,获益良多。尤其重要的是通过参加2015年讲演国际大会,彼此的凝聚力进一步加强了。 我期盼在2016年8月17日至20日,在美国华盛顿D.C.万豪大酒店举行的下一个国际讲演大会上,能跟更多的80区域讲员,一起欢庆80区域在2015-2016年度所取得的成就。 顺祝:安康!
郑映屏(卓越讲员) |
District Mission We build new clubs and support all clubs in achieving excellence. |
![]() Tay Yiang Ping, DTM District Director's Messages December 2015 November 2015 2nd DLT Opening (PPT) October 2015 September 2015 August 2015 July 201