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District Director's Message
July 2015

Make Members Matter

Dear Fellow Toastmasters of District 80,

My heartfelt thanks to our fellow Toastmasters for giving me the mandate to serve as the District Director for 2015-2016. My term as Lieutenant Governor Marketing 2013-2014 and Lieutenant Governor Education & Training 2014-2015 were both a rewarding experience because of all of you, fellow Toastmasters!


Our motto this term is Make Members Matter. As we know, our clubs, areas, divisions and district can be successful and achieve excellent results only if almost all of our members are happy and satisfied.


This motto was proposed by Laurel Power DTM, Division Advisor and adopted by Past Division D Governor Susan Wong DTM. It has been used by many Past Division D Governors, including me, as Division D Governor in 2005-2006. It is my honour to continue the same for District 80 term 2015-2016.


My most favourite story is the “Starfish” by Loren Eiseley. Being in Toastmasters for the past 16 years, serving as Club Officer & District Officer, my great satisfaction is to see Toastmasters making a difference to other people's lives. Members are like the Starfish in the organization as they are surrounded by people who help them become more confident, knowledgeable speakers/leaders and speak better which ultimately improve their lives. They “Make Members Matter”.  


This new term, we target to achieve our President Distinguished District goals by 31 May 2016. How can we make it happen? The answer is very simple:


Have our Vision; Set our Goals; Take Action; Monitor our Progress; Achieve and Celebrate together with District 80 Toastmasters


Let’s continue to Make Members Matter, together we learn and grow!




我选了”会员为尊”作为本届的座右铭, 因为唯有让会友们感到高兴和满意,各个分会、分区、区际和区域,才能成功取得最佳的成绩!

我最喜欢海星的故事,屈指一算,我加入讲演会的大家庭已有16个年头,所获得的最大快乐,就是看到许多资深的讲员都很乐意奉献时间和精力,为广大会员服务,通过点点滴滴的努力,帮助会员变成了信心十足、知识丰富的讲员和领袖, 就好像海星故事中的小男孩儿那样一步一脚印,做到滴水成河、集腋成裘的目标,使到讲演分会、甚至整个讲演区域,产生日新月异的变化。


会员为尊是在2002年,由D区前总监顾问Laurel Power提出,而被D区前总监周素霞DTM采用,我也在2005-2006年度担任D区总监时继续采用,这一届,80区域重新采用这个口号!

我们希望本届能在2016531之前,达到80区域所定下的 “卓越区域” 目标


国际讲演会80区域的会友们,让我们将秉承会员为尊 的精神,一起学习,一起提升吧!

Your Servant Leader,


Tay Yiang Ping 郑映屏, DTM(卓越讲员)
Joined Toastmasters in 1999. 1999年加入讲演会
District 80 Director 2015-2016
Mobile: +65-96221803
Email: yptay@makeadifference.sg


District Mission

We build new clubs and support all clubs in achieving excellence.

Tay Yiang Ping, DTM
District Director's

January 2016

December 2015
November 2015
2nd DLT Opening (PPT)
October 2015
September 2015
August 2015
July 201