Having renewed anew and joined the Toastmasters program have proven that you believe in the Toastmasters learning journey!
Do you have a resolution? Are there goals you would like to
achieve in 2016? Then, on 30 December 2015, we had a fabulous Townhall Meeting cum celebration of our District's first 6 months achievements with full attendance by all Division Directors from Divisions A,B,D,E,G,L,S,T,U,V and Z plus the Senior District Officers: PQD, CGD, AM & FM (with PRM back home in the Philippines)!
*PQD reported that we have 80 clubs achieving 5 Distinguished
Club goals, almost 100% complete!
1. Focus on District Critical Success Factors - Goal 1. 10% Net Membership Payment Growth o CGD reported we achieved >6% growth compare to last term same period. - Goal 2. 10% Net Club Growth o CGD reported that we were keeping track on the club growth. Indeed, to date we have 7 new clubs, and at least 2 have confirmed will be chartered in January 2016 - Goal 3. 75% Distinguished Clubs (71% to 75%) o PQD informed that District Trio would present Gap Analysis at COT2, to have better understanding, we asked that COT2 to cover in depth on District Distinguished Program and include Moment of Truth to help achieving Clubs goals.
Succession Plans
A. CALL FOR NOMINATIONS, http://www.district80.org/Call_For_Nominations.htm a) District Director b) Program Quality Director c) Club Growth Director d) Division Director
Application (3 Forms) must reach District Leadership Committee Chair, Pradeep Kumar DTM by latest 11.59 pm, Monday, 1 February 2016.
B. AREA DIRECTORS by Appointment only.
District will appoint the Area Directors; members who are
qualified for the position submit only 2 Forms:
3. District Alignment for 2016-2017 All Division Directors are advised to work closely with the District Alignment Team for the smooth transition of new alignment proposal if any.
4. YMCA Fundraising Event a non-Toastmasters event
As District Director and Administrator of District 80, Make
Members Matter Facebook group, I removed all posting related to
the event, as we need to abide by the principles contained in
governing documents
of Toastmasters International.
5. The District Trio will be away for the District Leaders Training in Auckland, New Zealand, 8-9 January 2016. We will bring back more ideas to help fulfil the District Mission.
6. All Senior District Officers and Division Directors shared their past 6 months experiences; most Division Directors were grateful of the support of their council; and everyone are determined to meet their respective Divisions Goal of becoming President's Distinguished Division!
As quoted by Dr. Ralph C. Smedley: Purpose determine the good, marks the path, and furnishes the motion power.
Lets move on to end our term with a BIG BANG by 30 June 2016!
Tay Yiang Ping DTM District Director 2015-2016
District 80, Make Members Matter 2016年阳历新年进步! 亲爱的讲演会友们: 新的一年又来到,看到大家还是积极地参与演讲会的各项活动,足以证明大家还是信心满满、卯足全力、坚定不移地走在演讲会学习之旅! 你下定决心了吗?你希望在2016年,达成哪些目标呢? 我们身为80区域的领导人,我们也有决心要达到一系列的目标,我们正在积极努力,誓言在卸任之前达成所有的目标。 80区域的三位主要负责人(区域总监、教育与培训总监和市场总监)在2015年11月份,跟全部11个分区总监,举行了一系列的第五大会堂会议 (5th Townhall Meetings),集体详尽地讨论了本区域若要达到会长级卓越区域,必须具备哪些关键成功因素。 我们过后在2015年12月30日,召开了别开生面的大会堂会议,同时庆祝本区域首6个月所取得的成绩。来自A,B,D,E,G,L,S,T,U,V和Z区际的总监,以及本区域的高层领导人:PQD,CGD,AM和FM,全都出席了会议(PRM也从菲律宾回返国门)! 我们在本届上半年的表现,十分特出;我们很兴奋地看到大家已经完成了一半的任务,让我们继续挺进,在下半年取得更佳的绩效。 非常感谢80区域的领袖们,个个富有献身的精神,请大家继续努力,使80区域的理想与目标一一实现! 80区域新加坡(截至2016年1月1日)
根据文教与培训总监的报告,本区域已有80个分会达到成为卓越分会所需的5个目标,而且几乎100%达成! 1. 专注于区域关键成功因素 目标1. 在会员付费方面,取得10%的净增长 ·根据 市场总监所提呈的报告,跟上一届同一个时期相比,我们已经取得超过6%的增长。
根据文教与培训总监所提呈的报告,区域三位最高领导人,将在第二场执委培训大会上进行差距分析,并且通过这项分析,让大家更了解自己不足的地方。这场大会将更深入地探讨区域卓越计划DDP,包括如何把握关键时刻,从而帮助各分会达到目标。 2. 接班人计划 各区际总监必须寻找接班人,同时让有潜质者参与区际的各项活动。 请上网提名以下领导人:http://www.district80.org/Call_For_Nominations.htm
有关的申请表格必须在2016年2月1日 (星期一) 晚上11时59分之前,送达区域领导委员会主席卓越讲员普拉迪·库马(Pradeep Kumar)。选举日期定于2016年5月20日,细节将在迟些时候公布。 分区总监 区域总监将委任分区总监;符合资格担任上述职位的会员,只需在2016年4月30日之前,向区域总监,卓越讲员郑映屏提呈参选人申请表格和推选表格(请参阅上述链接吁请提名)。分区总监不必参选,因为下一届(2016 - 2017年)的区域总监将正式任命分区总监。 3. 2016-2017年度区域分会调动 区域各位总监,请跟区域调动团队紧密合作,在必要的情况下,提出新的调动方案,方便会务平稳过渡。 4. 基督教青年会(YMCA)筹款活动 并非演讲会的项目 我将以80区域总监和会员至上面簿群组行政总管的身份,删除掉所有跟上述活动相关的贴文,理由是:大家必须遵守国际讲演会监管文件中所列出的原则。 区域的面簿页面,应该只是发布跟讲演会区域相关的活动项目,而不是其他组织的活动。区域的资源,也不可以用在宣传其他事业方面。 5. 区域的三位主要领导人,于2016年1月8日和9日前往新西兰的奥克兰,参加区域领袖培训活动,我们将带回更多的领导点子,用来帮助大家更好地完成使命。 6. 本区域所有的资深执委和区际总监,都乐于分享他们过去半年来所取得的宝贵经验;大部分的区际总监,都对理事会所提供的大力支持表示感激;大家都下定决心,要达到各自区际所定下的目标,成为会长级卓越区际! 斯梅德利博士曾经说过:目标确定好之后,就规划道路,然后提供所需的动力。 我们要继续阔步往前走,当我们在2016年6月30日完成本届任务时,人人都大有斩获! 顺祝安康! 2015-2016年度区域总监 郑映屏(卓越讲员)鞠躬 |
District Mission We build new clubs and support all clubs in achieving excellence. |
![]() Tay Yiang Ping, DTM District Director's Messages
February 2016 |